Friday, June 12, 2020

What are the advantages of an elevator video surveillance system?

Installing an elevator video surveillance system can be a real asset for the security of your business. Most commercial buildings with two or more storeys have elevators, but they are rarely secure and therefore vulnerable. Your business is therefore likely to have a security flaw that you can improve through video surveillance. Elevator video surveillance systems can be integrated into a building automation system or function as a stand-alone access control operation. Smart cards can be issued to users. In this case, the card readers in the elevator determine which floors people can access. CCTV cameras can be installed in the cabins elevator to provide 24/7 monitoring. Here are some additional benefits of this protection

 Security enhancement

By using smart cards and readers, elevator video surveillance systems can control access to floors and prevent unauthorized people from entering restricted areas. It will therefore be easier to protect certain places from intruders, in particular pieces of computer data storage or high-value equipment. Elevators, enclosed spaces and out of sight, can also be an ideal place for committing an offense. Thefts occur regularly in this manner. But when people know they are being watched, they are less likely to commit offenses. A visible camera inside the elevator will discourage and deter potential offenders. Furthermore,

Cost reduction

Elevator video surveillance systems can significantly reduce building video surveillance costs. Instead of hiring a security guard in your company's lobby, for example, you can more simply control access with a chip system. In addition, only one guard will be able to view the images captured by the cameras in the elevators.

 Evacuation and emergency control

When power outages, fires, or other emergencies occur in buildings, elevator Access Control in Chicago. can assist in the evacuation of personnel and prevent other occupants from accessing the affected floors. In addition, in the event of a power failure or mechanical failure, the occupants of the elevators may find themselves blocked. A video surveillance system will quickly alert an intervention team. 

 Protection of your liability

If an accident occurs in your company's elevators, you may be held liable. It will be very difficult for you to know if this person did not simulate the accident. With a video surveillance system, you will not have this kind of problem!

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