Saturday, June 20, 2020

Digital eye stress - a real health problem

The digital age has radically changed our way of life . Today, we spend a lot more hours in front of screens that are essential for work, but also for performing ordinary tasks like shopping and even for distraction. It is clear that these connected digital devices have greatly facilitated our daily lives. However, the ubiquity of digital devices does not only have advantages. It is the source of many ailments, including digital eye stress. This new type of stress affects many more people than one would think.

What is digital eye stress?

It is a state of stress due to prolonged exposure to LED and OLED screens. You should know that these screens, which equip the vast majority of devices that we use every day (computer, tablets, smartphones, television ...), emit massive amounts of blue light . This blue light is however the cause of eyestrain and dryness which are part of the symptoms of digital eye stress. This blue light is presented as the main digital eye stress.

How is digital eye stress manifested? 

The main symptoms of eye strain or stress appear in the eyes. After a long session in front of a screen, the individual may begin to feel heaviness in the eyes. The eyes can also dry out, sting and become red . The pain in the eyes and across the eye can also be observed. The effects of glare and split or temporary blurring of sight can also be seen when you are experiencing digital eye stress.

A real health problem

You should know that eye stress is a real health problem. Indeed, it does not only affect the eyes , but can cause disabling effects on the whole body. The heaviness and tension at the nape of the neck are among these unpleasant effects. Sleep disorder has also been reported. Blue light is useful for the body to regulate the sleep cycle . When the body receives too large doses of blue light, the sleep cycle is disrupted. This then causes difficulty in falling asleep and even cases of insomnia. Poor sleep quality will logically lead to fatigue that will impact the productivity of individuals with digital eye stress. In addition, eye stress can be accompanied by other ailments such as low back pain, upper crus syndrome or skeletal deformities which cause back problems. These pathologies are due to inactivity and the adoption of bad positions in people who spend several hours in a row in front of the screens. In the long term, digital eye stress can increase the risk of AMD (age-related macular degeneration), blindness and cataracts.

How to prevent digital eye stress

Prevention remains the best way to avoid digital eye stress . Above all, think about reducing the time spent in front of the screens. If this, for some reason, is not possible, you can take some simple steps like lowering the brightness level of the screens . This limits the amount of blue light they emit. Also, avoid getting too close to the screens when using them. On modern devices, there are functions like Apple's Night Shift that allow you to adapt this level of brightness to the environment and thus reduce the amount of blue light scattered. In addition, it is essential to always consume foods that provide the nutrients useful to the eyes to stay healthy like omega 3, vitamins C and E and antioxidants.

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