Wednesday, July 29, 2020

The 5 Mistakes to Avoid in a Web Marketing Strategy

Among the many reasons why a communication agency is chosen, there is also and above all the aspect related to creativity.

Companies tend to choose agencies specialized in a specific product sector, perhaps because they have already done a job (such as the restyling of the website) with a good graphic impact on a reference competitor.

All normal, but you need to pay close attention to other key factors. We analyze the matter step by step, highlighting the errors to avoid by entrusting the Web Marketing to a communication agency , focusing on the errors that can occur, taking into consideration the creation or restyling of a website and its promotion.

Error in a Web Marketing Strategy 1:

Lack of a strategy with Web marketing strategy

We put this first because strategy is always essential . The reason is very simple: a website without the necessary coordinated and support actions (SEO, SEA, connection to Social Networks, DEM, etc.) is the same as a car parked in the garage without petrol.

Unfortunately, to date, only 39% of companies have a Marketing plan in which the website is present together with the rest of the off-line and on-line communication actions.

All this in order to:

1.       Support the entire business strategy in the broadest way;
2.       Focus action on what produces profits;
3.       Select the most suitable resources for the individual activities to be carried out;
4.       Maximize activities.

Error in a Web Marketing Strategy 2:

Creativity unrelated to responsive design and UX

A website today cannot fail to have a graphic design studied on the principles of ergonomics, in addition to having a mobile friendly version: in fact, more and more users are using the internet from their smartphones.

Furthermore, an investment in the UX allows you to make sure that the user finds the content they are looking for in the shortest possible time. A low bounce rate, in addition to maximizing sales opportunities, causes the site to get high scores from Google for the benefit of indexing.

Today the user experience must be the main focus during the construction of a site. The dispersion of energy, resources and time must be limited to the maximum : if we put the user in a position to find the information he is looking for, in the precise moment in which it seeks them, involving it in a positive and pleasant experience, we will have many more possibilities to obtain a conversion and to make the user return and become loyal.

 Error in a Web Marketing 3 Strategy:

Site not integrated with a multi-channel schedule
The  website should be prepared or updated in such a way as to be able to merge with all the company's communication channels , both off-line and online, through multimedia planning.

The Website must therefore become the fulcrum within which all our communication activities converge , but it is not enough, because at the center of the latter we must place the user!

He is the final recipient of all our communications, both aimed at attracting him, and apt to make him stay / return as much as possible within our site.

One of the advantages of an overall strategy that takes into account owned media is the ability to control the entire information about the brand or corporate brands.

This is achieved through the insertion of clear and performing Call to Action, links, fillable forms, increasing the opportunities to interact with customers and acquire new leads.

Error in a Web Marketing Strategy 4:

Do not structure the contents in an SEO perspective

Entrusting the creation of your site to a communication agency does not automatically mean obtaining an optimized site for SEO.

First of all, because not all agencies have a qualified copywriting within them that writes the contents taking into account the indexing needs, is an SEO NYC specialist.

This presupposes a specific investment by the company, to be considered essential now, and to be considered for subsequent web and digital marketing campaigns.

Error in a Web Marketing Strategy 5:

Do not measure the results through specific tools

Building a site without measuring its results is like traveling with lights off and without radar. Beyond Google Analytics, there are many specific tools to analyze the objectives and kpi set during the strategy definition phase.

The heatmaps , for example, allow you to analyze user behavior on different pages, helping to understand the contents that are more performing, but also the key points and touch points (e.g. forms, landing pages) where users find any difficulties in proceeding.

Monday, July 27, 2020

SEO YouTube: how to get more views thanks to topics and titles

The potential of YouTube is really high, and SMEs can use it to communicate and make themselves known. How to get more views? With the right topics and titles. Here's how to do it
From a fun pastime, YouTube quickly became an important marketing tool.

Knowing its "secrets" means knowing how to exploit its potential, to make itself known and to acquire new customers. To do this, however, you need to know YouTube SEO , and therefore how keywords on YouTube work.

SEO YouTube, what it is and how it works

SEO YouTube is the set of techniques and optimizations capable of improving the visibility of videos on what - after Google - is the second most used search engine in the world. It is much more than a social media, therefore: when you publish a video, you have to think in terms of keywords. Just as if you were optimizing your website. In fact, keywords make the difference between two substantially identical videos, but with a huge difference in terms of views.

To explain how its search algorithm works is YouTube itself: “Videos are classified according to a series of elements, including the level of correspondence of the title, description and content with the user's query . Additionally, we evaluate which videos generated the most engagement for a particular query. Search results aren't a list of the most viewed videos for a particular query. " YouTube's aim is to keep users on the platform as long as possible . That's why it attaches such importance to engagement. I like, shares, comments, CTR, viewing time, audience retention: these are all elements that YouTube considers to make a video "rise in the ranking".

When we talk about YouTube optimization we are basically talking about keywords : it is not enough to publish a good video, but it is necessary that that video is described correctly. However, there is no official keyword research tool: you can use YouTube Suggest (write a starting keyword in the search bar, and display a list of phrases that contain that keyword), or rely on other tools.

How to choose keywords for a video on YouTube

To optimize a video on YouTube, you can first use Google Trends : a free tool for keywords research, it allows you to find interesting ideas for the topic you want to talk about. Alternatively, there is the Vidiq extension which, designed specifically for YouTube, allows you to understand why certain videos have gone viral, analyzing their engagement and discovering not only the search volume of the keywords on the platform, but also the most used tags and titles and the most impactful descriptions. Finally, Ahrefs Youtube Keyword Tool : for a fee, it allows you to search in 171 languages ​​obtaining the volumes of the identified keyword.

Starting from the keywords, here you can fill in all the fields of the video effectively: the title (which must contain the main keyword), the description (which must make it clear the exceptional nature of the content, and immediately attract the user) and tags (key elements, which allow the user to find your video). In this way, your content will have many more possibilities to be displayed.

Google related searches: What They are and How They Help Positioning

Google related searches are a central element of any positioning strategy on the famous platform. Here's how to make the most of them to improve the SEO of your website.

When a user enters his query within the Google search bar, the complex search engine algorithm does not just return results related to the topic in question, but does much more: suggests similar searches and related queries so-called related searches. A real gold mine for those involved in SEO and content marketing. Understanding what exactly related research is and how to make the most of it is absolutely essential to optimize your online content strategy.

Related searches: what are they?

Technically, these are queries that have similarities to that entered in the search bar, extrapolated by Google from the searches that the user himself or other users before him have carried out. They are elaborated by Big G's sophisticated algorithms, capable of interpreting the semantics of the entered query and providing results that show affinity with it. Thanks to its structured database, Google has all the data necessary to ascertain the relevance of related searches with respect to the history of queries previously carried out on its servers: it therefore formulates results conceptually and semantically similar and which respond to the same search intent.

The related searches are located in the lower part of the SERP , after the last result and report words or entire sentences connected to the main keyword entered. It is clear that such an instrument has a strategic importance which should not be underestimated.

What related searches are for

The first task of related research is to assist the user and help him refine his research , deepen the topic or disambiguate the results obtained. Secondly, this precious list of queries represents an excellent starting point for effective keyword research : analyzing them you can get an idea of ​​what the search intent is for those interested in a specific keyword, and use the information to expand and make the content to be published online as comprehensive as possible .

In building an effective web text , it is essential to respond as closely as possible to the needs of the audience and to know how to create content that fully clarifies the questions of the public, in order to have a decisive competitive advantage. Related searches can be used profitably from an SEO perspective to articulate a text into paragraphs and sub-paragraphs that cover all the topics suggested by Google's related queries: they will act as subtitles, and will have the task of dissecting every nuance of the topic in question.

It goes without saying that not all related keywords should necessarily be used, but it is up to the SEO copywriter or the person in charge of the keyword research team to identify the best ones to consider in creating the content. To do this, it is possible, as well as essential, to proceed to further skimming and detailed analysis of the keywords using tools such as SEMRush, SeoZoom, Google Keyword Planner, but also Google Trends, Google Suggest and the other SEO tools that are inevitable in defining a keyword strategy. winning.

The user always at the center

In any case, it is always good to keep in mind a focal point: Google rewards quality. In the fight for the first positions of the SERP, those who manage to create useful content that meet the needs of users with valid and comprehensive information are always at an advantage . When the user decides to give trust and part of his time to a web content, he wants to be rewarded with impeccably quality material , which has its own needs as its ultimate focus and not only those of the search engine spiders.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

What are Digital Marketing and the difference from traditional?

Digital marketing, online marketing, Internet advertising, no matter what you call it, marketing your company online is big business today. After all, internet usage has more than doubled in the past decade and this change has greatly affected the way people buy products and interact with companies.

With this scenario that we are experiencing today worldwide, of a pandemic due to COVID-19, with people in isolation, confined inside the house and having to consume, I do believe that we have advanced another 5 years, as new virtual consumers are emerging, thus expanding online consumption .

Is Digital Marketing?

So Digital Marketing is nothing more than the old Marketing, only used in a different way, with different tools, different approaches using a different medium that is digital, the internet. The big deal is in influencing these potential customers online.

The Digital Marketing serves to generate a huge amount of people interested in your business, in your product or service that you pay, it reaches a much larger base of people and a more diverse audience, selected and infinitely lower cost than the traditional means.

The digital marketing strategy refers to any online marketing efforts or assets that are used to attract these people, some examples are: email marketing, pay per click advertising, social media and even blogs are great examples of digital marketing - they help introduce people to your business and convince them to buy.

In other words, it is able to speak to many more people, reach a very large and qualified audience by spending less than it would spend to speak to this audience in traditional advertising, which are advertisements on TV, newspapers, magazines.

Below are some of the most common digital marketing resources and strategies that companies use to reach people online:

Digital Marketing Assets.

Almost anything can be a digital marketing asset. It simply needs to be a marketing tool that you use online. That said, many people don't realize how many digital marketing assets they have at their disposal. Here are some examples:

·         Your website or blog
·         Brand resources (logos, icons, acronyms, etc.)
·         Video content (video ads, youtube, product demos, etc.)
·         Images (infographics, product photos, company photos, etc.)
·         Written content (blog posts, eBooks, product descriptions, testimonials, etc.)
·         Online products or tools (SaaS, calculators, interactive content, etc.)
·         Assessments
·         Social media pages
As you can probably imagine, this list just scratches the surface. Most digital marketing assets fall into one of these categories, but smart marketers are constantly creating new ways to reach customers online, so the list keeps growing, even with some people wondering if Digital Marketing really works.

Digital Marketing Strategies.

Below I mention some of the strategies used by companies, but they are constantly changing.

Affiliate marketing.

Affiliate Marketing is a type of business relationship in which the Affiliate discloses the product of an entrepreneur or company, in exchange for a commission for each sale made. This advertising model is an extremely interesting alternative for people who want to work with sales on the internet, in addition to being a great tool for companies that want to increase the promotion of their products online.

E-mail marketing.

The e-mail marketing is the oldest form of online marketing and is still going strong. Most digital marketers use email marketing to announce special offers, feature content (usually as part of content marketing) or promote an event.

Content marketing.

Content marketing is another very broad digital marketing term, covering any digital marketing effort that uses content assets (blog posts, infographics, e-books, videos, etc.) to create brand awareness or generate clicks, leads or sales.

Social media marketing.

Like SEO, it is the free organic way to use social media platforms like Facebook, Youtube or Twitter to market your business. And, just like SEO NYC services (Search Engine Optimization), organic marketing of your business on social media requires much more time and effort, but in the long run, it can generate much cheaper results.

Paid search advertising.

Google, Bing and Yahoo allow you to post text ads on your search engine results pages (SERPs). This is one of the best ways to target potential customers who are actively searching for a product or service.

Search engine optimization (SEO).

Computer Courses - you can also use SEO to try to classify pages or blog posts on your site organically. You don't have to pay directly for each click, but sorting a page usually takes a lot of time and effort.

Native advertising.

Have you reached the end of an article and seen a list of suggested articles? This is native advertising. Most native ads fall into content marketing because they use content to attract clicks (“you’ll never believe what happens next!”).

Often, native advertising can be a little difficult to identify, as it is often mixed with recommendations for unpaid content ... But that's the point.

As you can see in the list above, there are these and many different ways to market your business online, which is why you need to train, study hard to understand all of these strategies and apply them correctly.

5 differences from Digital Marketing to Traditional.


As the name says, with metrics we can measure our actions on the internet, we can for example know exactly how many people watched the video that was posted on the YouTube channel, how many people visited your website, where they came from, where they clicked, how many turned your client, these are just a few but there are plenty of ways to measure your actions so you can take action.


When we do a Digital Marketing services in a few minutes we know if it is going well or badly, so that we can change the strategy or not. In Traditional, it is very difficult because we will only know if that pamphlet that spent money paid off, days, weeks or months later, thus having an unnecessary waste.


As the internet is a worldwide network, its reach can go beyond borders, as it depends on your strategy and what you want.


Depending on your strategy, you can reach the audience you want. Your products or services can be great, but if you don't target the right market, you won't be able to sell it. Clients and brands bring different preferences, needs and expectations from each other.


Digital Marketing is very interactive, not only do you talk to people, but people talk to you. Like? Answering you in the comments, watching and enjoying your videos.

It is very important to see the feedback of your work, to see what people are saying and to answer them, as it helps to guide your path, listening to your client is fundamental to the success of your business, different from the Traditional one that only exposes its idea and the other just watches.