Monday, September 14, 2020



  • Everything you need to know to open your craft beer business

Craft beer is the heart of an industry that in New Delhi generates new business opportunities in a segment of gourmet consumers.

If you are interested in undertaking in this branch, the first thing is to analyze the market and find a differentiation.

For example, starting a business in a specialized place, a bar with a production area, or a pub selling food.

You can also distinguish yourself by the number and origin of labels, by the food menu or by alternative activities, such as tastings and pairings.

Customer segment

Consumers in this market are people who are looking for new flavors and enjoy experimenting.

They are men and women between 21 and 50 years old and the specific profile varies according to the type of consumption they carry out: either to take away or to consume at the point of sale.

They seek to know more about this drink and with a sense of belonging to a movement that enjoys certain glamour.

Value proposal

Craft beer is a consumer magnet. Its appeal lies in the ingredients and preparation methods; but also on the bottle, packaging, label design and, of course, their peculiar names.

Develop your value proposition based on what the market needs and that most likely does not exist yet or can be improved.

Distribution channels

The growing popularity of craft beer is a key factor driving the emergence of new concepts.

Distribution channels depend on the concept, with direct sales being the most popular model.

However, you can explore other models such as online sales.

Relationship with customers

One of the key aspects for the success of a craft brewery is undoubtedly the relationship with consumers, which largely determines brand loyalty, having an effect on commercial performance.

And is that a bad consumer experience, such as a poor product selection, can make the segment lose a potential customer.

When a person has never tried craft beer and chooses a label that lacks quality standards or is poorly made, they will surely not return: not only because of the bad taste, but because that experience cost them more money than a commercial beer.

To avoid this, it is not only important to take care of the quality of the labels that are sold in the premises, but to build a relationship with the customer, based on the values ​​of the brand, the philosophy of the company and the commercial objectives of the business.

This relationship should ideally be personalized; prioritizing an environment of trust, respect and camaraderie. The idea is to promote the consumer's sense of belonging to a craft beer movement that prioritizes evangelize, knowledge and healthy coexistence.

To achieve this, make sure your sales floor staff have customer service skills, but also a vast knowledge of craft beer and available labels.

Income streams

In a craft brewery the income stream depends on factors such as business model, concept and management.

What can you do to maintain or improve your income? Make a business plan with financial projections for two or three years, considering the starting curve and taking into account a working capital for at least six months of operation.

At the same time, it plans tastings and organizes craft beer workshops.

Keep track of income and expenses, control credit (use it wisely and only if you have the ability to pay), and consider seasonal sales.

Key resources

Now that you have a better idea of ​​the type of craft brewery you want, focus on finding a location.

It is recommended that it measures between 80m2 and 100m2, that it be anchored to a commercial area - close to bars, restaurants, corporate offices and offices - on an avenue with good traffic and pedestrian flow.

What are the best areas? That depends on your market research.

We recommend training staff periodically or as a new label is added to your point of sale offer. The objective is that you can recommend the product according to its qualities.

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Last but not least: take care of the issue of safety and cleanliness and remember that there are various specialized festivals that can give you exposure to consumers.

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