Monday, September 14, 2020

5 good reasons for local companies to have their own website


Products that are not sold over the internet, or because they are present on social networks and believe that this is enough.

 Anyone who thinks that way is wrong! Although a website provides the possibility to generate leads and sales, this is not the only goal of a website!

 1 - It is no use being an exceptional company if you are not seen!

 What's the use of having an incredible product, impeccable service, quality delivery if no one notices you?

 Only a few people who pass by on the street, in case it is an interesting point, and your acquaintances, your dissemination network. Having a website makes you go much further than you think!

 A website of your own gives you more authority for search robots when someone searches for your product on Google or some other search engine.

 For example, you have a Japanese restaurant in Brasilia, when a user types “Japanese restaurant in Brasilia” or similar phrases, which lead to your result, if you have a website this increases your chances of appearing in the top positions.

 Regardless of what your business is, having a website makes you get noticed and appear.

 Related Post: How can SEO help my business?

2 - Companies with website give more credibility to the final consumer

 Suppose you are a user searching for law firm services for your company, or accounting.

 Which company will you trust more? In the ones that appear in the surveys showing only name, address and phone number or in those that give you a complete website? With portfolio, company history, services and a range of possibilities for you to consult.

 In case you were typing: “ Digital marketing agency in New York ” in order to find an agency that would meet all your needs and more! Aiming at your sales multiplication and brand recognition. Which one would you trust, the one that gives you a complete and objective website or the one that only has an Instagram account?

 Having a website increases your credibility with your competitors, and makes you more interesting and complete in the eyes of your target audience.

 3 - Having a website is to guarantee digital presence and open doors for new actions

 With a website you can present yourself in the best possible way for the user, generate credibility, trust, be found on the internet and also make you able to test actions that can guarantee you great results.

 Sites generate views, views generate leads, which opens doors for actions like Inbound Marketing.

 The Inbound Marketing is a set of strategies aimed at customer relationships and loyalty.

 Through it you can send marketing emails, which appears in many searches as one of the most efficient forms of customer relationship and lead generation, among other strategies that are only possible if you have your own website.

 4 - Sites are also customer relationship channels, and new customers

 Your website can be a great showcase for your local business, and it can also be open for direct, clear and objective communication with the customer, in addition to social networks.

 Local businesses can use your site as a relationship channel

Reports are placed on a website, customers take questions through it, you can launch promotions and actions connected with your local store and your website, to engage your target audience and understand them more and more, being able to personalize your actions and receive amazing results .

 Related Post: Digital marketing tips for real estate agents

 It is also important to be present at Google My Business, and it is even better when people find you through it and are taken to an amazing website!

 5 - If you want to start selling on your website, you are free of some bureaucracy!

 Are you interested in selling at your local company and over time seeing what it would be like to expand your business digitally?

 One of the most positive aspects of having a website is that in addition to making your company more targeted, a website is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Which makes your possibility to generate sales more and more infinite?

 These are just 5 factors that show you how important it is to have a website for your local business! Get in touch with us and find out how you can go much further!

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