Monday, May 11, 2020

Seven key components for useful and high-quality blog content

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One of the fundamental elements for a blog to be successful is that of publishing high quality content that will win over readers and turn them from unknown visitors into customers and followers.

Although this truth is well known to experts, it should be noted that those who are in charge of their editing, that is, the marketers, are unable to create quality content.

We know that a marketer must be a subject who has the SEO and SEM technical skills and who knows how to combine them with his creative skills, yet the majority of these figures continue to fail their task.
Through the following advice, we will try to illustrate the way in which to remedy a potential failure and, conversely, to be successful.

An analysis carried out in 2019 regarding the benchmarks of marketing and B2B content, says that as many as 96% of the marketers of the most popular texts, think that the credibility of the company for which they operate, has grown thanks to the publication of content high quality but what is perplexing is to establish what high quality really is. On the other hand, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the interpretation of words like "quality" and "value" are very subjective.

However, regardless of this, the following is an analysis of the fundamental elements that are needed for the creation of high quality content and which are based both on Google documents and on SEO best practices as well as on the guidelines of the best webmasters combined with the experiences of numerous marketing professionals.

1.The content must be aligned with the business objectives and intentions of the user

Since everything is relative, also the definition of the term quality is, and it does not matter that a writing is well formulated if this is not part of the corporate objectives and does not correspond to the needs of the public for which it is intended. To solve this problem - that is, the confusion generated by an inaccurate article - the reason why the researcher`s aim is the focal point of the Google Search algorithms.

Exemplifying: if the audience in which you are interested is made up of CMO and Digital Marketing Manager of B2B e-Commerce companies, it is highly unlikely that a 3000-word generic content about SEO consultancy could attract attention or that it will mature in customers the readers of the same.

For example, if your primary target audience is a CMO and Digital Marketing services from B2B eCommerce companies, a 3000 word article on generic SEO consulting is unlikely to attract their attention or turn readers into customers.

It follows that regardless of the application of any other criterion that increases the quality of the contents, it is necessary to ask if it is what your audience wants to read and, if they are interested, they will be convinced to convert into the type of contacts desired by the company ?

2. Cover in detail a very specific topic

Speaking of high quality content, this point is very important. It seems better to eliminate all the topics that are part of a content and concentrate in a specific and exhaustive way on a single theme that must be treated from all possible relative perspectives. It is preferable to condense the topic to be treated in an article of 1000 words rather than lengthening it out of proportion just because you believe that the length corresponds to the importance of the theme.

However, some research shows that larger articles manage to position themselves better as shown in this research analysis carried out by Backlinko on a sample of over a million results:

But there are some variables to consider because correlation does not imply randomness and word counting does not represent an indicator of quality.

As previously expressed, the contents deemed valid qualitatively are those which are in-depth and capable of answering the questions of the relevant public.

3.Solve specific problems and offer workable advice

When dealing with quality content, these must not be limited to giving information but must be helpful in solving specific problems through a series of practical tips. Basically, in addition to the "what" concept, we must also base ourselves on the "how" concept. This must always accompany the writing of a text by putting you on the side of the reader who is looking for a practical solution and does not want to waste time reading generic concepts of which would not benefit.

4. Share examples, case studies and real world data

In a virtual present full of fake, it is much more difficult to check everything on the net. A survey carried out in the USA by Internet users, 65% of the interviewees consider the contents present on the net unreliable.

Here is the reason why it is preferable to share real examples, case studies and scientific data in support of the content you write and not only for a credibility problem but also because they will help you earn back links from other more prestigious sites, as shows from this survey among marketers:

5. Use custom visual elements to simplify complex ideas

Difficult to find an audience that likes to read infinite blocks of text. Because we are mainly defined as "visual" individuals and because 90% of the information transmitted to our brain, are images according to a survey carried out by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). One of the primary purposes of content creation is to share knowledge with the public and help them act and if the text is adequately conjugated with images or videos, the content acquires 323% more interest than just another textual.

6. Share relevant resources and tools

To make your content useful, it is advisable to direct your readers to external resources that can be used to dissect the theme in more detail. The same goes for any relevant tool or application that may be indispensable to your audience to put your suggestions into practice.
For example Ethical is an online magazine that promotes the spending and behavior of consumers sensitive to environmental issues.
In addition to talking about the reasons why consumers should be more aware of their purchase choices, their content offers a vast list of alternative products that they can use to have an immediate impact.

You can help your readers by directing them to external resources. For example, you could recommend relevant Amazon books, link a scientific study published online, suggest a specific course, and so on.

6. Prepare the scan able script and use a colloquial tone

A survey conducted by Nielsen found that users only read 20% of a web page, but many even just scan what they need to know by highlighting information and focal points.
Here is one of the study`s heat maps showing the user`s eyeball tracking.

The red area shows the parts of the page that users read. You can clearly see that they are looking at the titles, subtitles, images and lists. In comparison, there are hardly any eyeballs on the page`s text blocks.

From this information you can get these tips:

  • Divide your article into multiple subtitles.
  • Break the flow of the reader with the use of images.
  • Highlight key parts using bold, italic and possibly underlined.
  • Use paragraphs shorter than 2-3 lines max.
  • Write conversationally and use words like you, me, me, etc.

Formatting your content plays a key role in determining how much your readers are consuming; make sure to pay special attention to this part of content creation.

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