Thursday, May 14, 2020

5 Useful Apps for User Health

Five useful apps for five different problems: which are they?
With the innovations given by digital and the new proposals of technologies, monitoring of the state of health is also possible for the user, thanks to the use of the various devices that most people have. To date, there are several applications that can be easily downloaded from each Store , available to help customers on the most varied health problems, from weight to cardiovascular diseases.
The goal is to help people embark on healthy lifestyles and sometimes to develop prevention strategies
Here are five examples of apps that are useful for people's health, working to solve five different problems:
  1. QardioArm
QardioArm is a wireless monitor, designed to detect blood pressure and heart rate , meets the strictest European and American standards and is absolutely valid from a clinical point of view.
QardioArm is very different from other devices in its category. The design is modern, elegant and compact. Two elements make it up, a parallelized which houses all the technology necessary for its operation and a sleeve, which can be easily wrapped around the main body to allow the device to take up as little space as possible.
Also noteworthy is the weight of QardioArm: with its 310 grams - batteries included - it can be easily carried in your pocket, bag or inside a suitcase. Of course, the device is not only beautiful to look at. Using QardioArm is very simple, but before wrapping the sleeve around your arm you will have to download the application and create your profile .
  1. Walk to lose weight
Walking to lose weight is a professional interval walking training program created specifically for those who want to lose weight. A combined method of walking exercises alternating with accelerations, useful for burning fat and losing weight effectively and in a short time . This walking exercise app offers different goals and training levels.
It is suitable for both beginners and professionals and anyone can find the training suitable for their needs. In particular, the service offers advice on walking techniques by alternating the different speeds and advising exercises to be done directly at home or outdoors. GPS and audio services are also included in the application to improve the experience and make it more stimulating and personalized.
  1. eDerma
As for eDerma , it is an app that allows you to perform a responsible follow-up of your injuries through a standardized photographic self-control system .  Through monitoring by means of the camera it is possible to understand the state of health of your skin without the need to contact a specialized doctor, thus avoiding waiting in the studio.
The application is easy to use thanks to its intuitive features, for this reason it can be used both by the patient and by any other person who offers support.
  1. Pzizz
The Pzizz application deals with insomnia , a frequent problem for many individuals: today digital technology and its developments also help fight sleep problems. This app helps the user to relax by means of sounds and visions of images to gently guide him to sleep, trying to make him fall asleep.
The vendors of the app guarantee users to feel rested once after waking up thanks to the use of the platform.

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