Monday, July 27, 2020

Google related searches: What They are and How They Help Positioning

Google related searches are a central element of any positioning strategy on the famous platform. Here's how to make the most of them to improve the SEO of your website.

When a user enters his query within the Google search bar, the complex search engine algorithm does not just return results related to the topic in question, but does much more: suggests similar searches and related queries so-called related searches. A real gold mine for those involved in SEO and content marketing. Understanding what exactly related research is and how to make the most of it is absolutely essential to optimize your online content strategy.

Related searches: what are they?

Technically, these are queries that have similarities to that entered in the search bar, extrapolated by Google from the searches that the user himself or other users before him have carried out. They are elaborated by Big G's sophisticated algorithms, capable of interpreting the semantics of the entered query and providing results that show affinity with it. Thanks to its structured database, Google has all the data necessary to ascertain the relevance of related searches with respect to the history of queries previously carried out on its servers: it therefore formulates results conceptually and semantically similar and which respond to the same search intent.

The related searches are located in the lower part of the SERP , after the last result and report words or entire sentences connected to the main keyword entered. It is clear that such an instrument has a strategic importance which should not be underestimated.

What related searches are for

The first task of related research is to assist the user and help him refine his research , deepen the topic or disambiguate the results obtained. Secondly, this precious list of queries represents an excellent starting point for effective keyword research : analyzing them you can get an idea of ​​what the search intent is for those interested in a specific keyword, and use the information to expand and make the content to be published online as comprehensive as possible .

In building an effective web text , it is essential to respond as closely as possible to the needs of the audience and to know how to create content that fully clarifies the questions of the public, in order to have a decisive competitive advantage. Related searches can be used profitably from an SEO perspective to articulate a text into paragraphs and sub-paragraphs that cover all the topics suggested by Google's related queries: they will act as subtitles, and will have the task of dissecting every nuance of the topic in question.

It goes without saying that not all related keywords should necessarily be used, but it is up to the SEO copywriter or the person in charge of the keyword research team to identify the best ones to consider in creating the content. To do this, it is possible, as well as essential, to proceed to further skimming and detailed analysis of the keywords using tools such as SEMRush, SeoZoom, Google Keyword Planner, but also Google Trends, Google Suggest and the other SEO tools that are inevitable in defining a keyword strategy. winning.

The user always at the center

In any case, it is always good to keep in mind a focal point: Google rewards quality. In the fight for the first positions of the SERP, those who manage to create useful content that meet the needs of users with valid and comprehensive information are always at an advantage . When the user decides to give trust and part of his time to a web content, he wants to be rewarded with impeccably quality material , which has its own needs as its ultimate focus and not only those of the search engine spiders.

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