Sunday, December 29, 2019

10 tips for a successful web marketing strategy

Web marketing (the right one) is not something that can be invented. The online visibility and a good web reputation are not achieved overnight, and especially the belief that web marketing is free or requires low investment is a stereotype too often abused by CEOs and heads of various kinds company. The results, more often than not, are commensurate with the investments that are made on the web and a good web marketer has the task of optimizing these investments.
Here are some essential elements for all those companies that are trying to approach the fantastic world of web marketing.

1- Choose a contact person (project manager or web marketing manager)

You don't become an expert in SEO, web and social media marketing by accident. If you don't have a competent person on your team, don't think of improvising or improvising someone as a web guru, it would mean destroying the project even before starting. Trust in professionals who can guide you on this long journey and "trust" them. Ah, do not consider the price as the first decision-making element ... focus more on competence. Remember, it's an investment not a cost!

2- Set a budget

Once you have found the person who will accompany you during (at least) the next year and a half, get help to understand the extent of the investment capable of guaranteeing you visibility online and building a solid image on the web. Remember, investment does not only mean money, but also time (and time is money) ... Your web marketing manager will need help and collaboration from a team. Make sure that the project is in his hands and under his responsibility.

3- Develop a medium-term web marketing strategy

Once you have chosen your contact person and set the budget, we move on to the more delicate phase. Strategic planning. Try to be forward-looking and set goals, think on an annual or biennial basis. And above all set measurable goals. A strategy with measurable objectives will allow you to evaluate the progress and optimize some elements in the race. Does it seem little to you?

4- Constantly optimize your website

Times change, technologies evolve, Google changes the rules of its algorithm frequently and sometimes it also does it drastically. Having a detailed SEO strategy and following an editorial calendar can be of great help in onsite optimization and content updating. Remember that freshness, or the frequency with which new content is inserted (or updated existing content) is a factor directly connected to the positioning on Google.

5- SEO and Local SEO activities

Having a website is a necessary but not sufficient condition. You can have the most beautiful shop in the world but if you are in the suburbs, in a dead end street, I doubt that it can ever fill up with people ... A site not optimized for SEO and Local SEO is exactly like that, invisible. But rest assured, your web marketing manager is already an SEO expert , isn't he? He will know how.

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6- Search Engine Marketing

Having a website, optimized with a good SEO activity, is (once again) a necessary but not sufficient condition… Organizing marketing campaigns and Pay per click can give a big boost to your SEO strategy and online visibility. Especially in crucial periods, creating campaigns to sell products or services will represent added value. It will also help you understand which elements to bet with more conviction in the continuation of your business on the web, and which ones to leave out instead.

7- Measure web marketing actions

it is possible to know every single click of every single person who visits your site. How can all this not be fundamental? Well, equip yourself with web analytics tools. Google analytics is the best choice you can make, and not because it's free. Surely your web marketing manager will also be an expert in reading and interpreting the countless traffic analysis data on your site , right? In my opinion, web analytics is the most important element of the whole web marketing strategy. It is the voice of users and the element that will allow you to make your site a (at least) pleasant place to visit.

8- Off-site SEO: seek synergies with your offline business

It is a said and repeated thing but woe to leave it out: what about the human relationship? as much as the web facilitates social relationships and amplifies messages, a chat, sharing a moment, or face to face relationship are elements that must never be missing. So let's try to promote them with cross-cutting activities. Create events in your shop or visits to your company, have your customers photographed with your products, invite them to come and visit you...

9- And Social media

The social media element was deliberately left in the end, and not least. Often companies that enter the world of the web start by talking about Facebook marketing and Instagram. Well, the skill of a good web marketer is to make them desist, at least in the beginning. If you have not completed all the previous steps, listen to my advice, leave Social media aside. A good Social media marketing strategy is in  fact nothing more than the natural consequence, the evolution of a correct web marketing strategy and is used to amplify it, give the company a human image and improve its  web reputation . And don't forget to take care of the social part and manage the social media marketing activity  it requires an investment of time (€) and resources ($) ... So it must be the result of a reasoned choice. But this your web marketing manager will certainly know.

10- Be yourself

This is the last, but most important advice of today: do not try to give a different image from the real one. If you are a 2-person company, don't talk about "Our multidisciplinary team"; if they criticize you, do not obscure the messages, do mea culpa and apologize; if you are not "industry leader" do not be afraid to say it. Try to make your brand more human, give a name to the people who work there, put your face on it. In short, be yourself and your web reputation will thank you!

As you have certainly understood, the basis for an online visibility and successful web Digital marketing services is certainly the competence and ability of your contact person (company or freelance) to manage your company on the net. But all this your web marketing manager knows!

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